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About Adfove

Assisting people build software safely

Adfove provides advanced development tools for computer sys­tems, and tools for validation, veri­fication and certification of safety-critical software. Our mission is to provide the best services to companies who want to build safe and reliable software.

Background and mission

  • Safety systems and safety software realization :

Adfove software development solutions align the design process according to safety standard objectives, reduce development costs, and accelerate time to certification, including :
  • Rail : SSIL2 and SSIL3/4.
  • Aeronautics : DALs.
  • Automotive : ASIL C and D.
  • Formal verification of system and software specifications :

We provide methods and related techniques to incorporate formal methods into the safety entire software engineering process :
  • Deploying techniques for constructing, understanding, and modifying specifications.
  • Demonstrating the consistency between programs and their specifications among existing verification techniques.
  • Developing practical techniques for verification and validation of entire software systems based on formal specification and proof.
  • High-integrity software consultancy :

We offer rigorous software engineering consultancy. We specialize in tools and methods for specifying, designing, and verifying critical systems using mathematical methods.Typically, our company provides exceptional service and complementary to traditional forms of software testing. We reason about systems that are too complex to completely understand intuitively. We help our clients explore corner cases, combinations of conditions that are unlikely to be tested and large systems with many users inevitably run into such corner cases.

Our Mission-driven Core Values of Rigorous Software Development :

Our company mission statement is a description of the core values of our company. It is a summary of the beliefs our company holds in regard to customer interaction, responsibility to the community and employee satisfaction. Our company’s core values become the objectives necessary to create a positive corporate culture. The word rigorous in the title of our mission is justified by the fact that the arguments for such fault freeness have their roots in software development, logic and mathematics rather than in empirical and statistical.

Quick facts about Adfove

Adfove is a canadian company based in Montreal, Quebec. It develops and markets formal engineering methods for product specification, verification, and validation and offers its products and services to customers.
The company name is an acronym for “Advanced formal verification” , a development of formal methods toward industrial application.
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